BlogHer. Over 3,000 bloggers - mostly women, from all over the world.
Blogs on every subject you can think of.
Brilliant, heartfelt, honest, witty, intelligent, thoughtful, inspiring.
This year I have been honored as a Voice Of The Year for Humor.
It is exciting and daunting.
Every time I look at my Google Analytics report and see how many people stop by here - I am amazed.
When I see that you visit from 43 countries worldwide I am surprised and delighted.
When I think that after BlogHer it is likely more people will stop on by - I am overwhelmed.
I feel the need to write an incredibly witty post. I assume you expect humor.
I want it to be my best post ever. I want to impress.
Here's the rub - I have writers's block, writer's panic even.
How can I possibly deliver?
I find my mind empty. My muses have not given me any good material in days.
Actually, I can't remember anything funny happening - ever.
This is the nature of blogging. You can't force it.
Blog posts pour out. They are the contents of our heads and our hearts spewed onto the screen.
So, if you came by for the promise of humor. Scroll down - I think you'll find it.
Just not in this post. I hope you understand.
Congratulations Scottish Lass. You deserve this and a million giggles more!
ReplyDeleteKeep 'em coming!