Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Is He Doing That?

The six year old and I had a long over due mommy and me date. The impact of the baby has finally hit. We've had lots of tears and pouting. I have been fighting the guilt but the guilt won.
So, I bought tickets to a show.

We got dressed up, left the baby with Daddy and went for dinner. It was super cute.
We had 'grown up table talk' and the six year old wore an ear to ear grin for the entire time. Then we went to the show.

Now I will be the first to admit it was very exciting. There were acrobats and magic, stilt and tight rope walkers, rings of fire and clowns. It was loud and bright.
There was so much to see and apparently SO much to ask about.

"Why is he doing that Mummy?"
"Well it's a show - he's entertaining us."

"Well why is he is doing that?"
"For fun."

"Why is he doing that now?"
"To show us all his tricks."

"Why is he doing that thing."

"Because what?"

"Just because - let's just watch the show."


"What's happening now?"


Bonding moment completed.
Mission accomplished - sort of.


  1. Sweet!
    Dropping in from sits. Make it a great day!

    Ms Cupcake
    Zen Cupcake

  2. I try and be patient during these times, I really do. Sometimes though, I want to stand up, face the audience and just let out a big scream; then they get to share. ;O) xx

  3. LOL...this is great. Ours is only 2 yrs old yet so this is in our future. :)

  4. Great to give the 6-year old some one on one time!

    just stopping by from SITS; hope you'll do the same.

  5. Ok, I am now addicted to your blog. You commented just before I today on SITS. I'm so glad I stopped here today. You have a delightful blog & makes me feel like I'm not so alone in this crazy place called mommy-hood.


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